Mount Angel Summer Conference @ Mount Angel Abbey: 1983-2007
1983 Building the Church: Building the Vision Fr. Peter Chirico, S.S.
1984 Building the Church: Building Community Fr. Francis Cleary, S.J. St. Louis University, Missouri
1985 Building the Church: Our Response to the Word Fr. Stephen Rowan Seattle University, Washington
1986 Building the Church: The Faithful Community Fr. Aidan Shea OSB+ St. Anselm Abbey, Washington D.C. Community as a school of service; Appropriate use of power
1987 Building the Church: Holiness and Wholeness Sr. Fran Ferder, FSPA Seattle, Washington
1988 Building the Church: Who Is Jesus? Fr. Thomas Knoebel Sacred Heart School of Theology, Wisconsin
1989 Building the Church: The Call To Discipleship Fr. Charles Skok Gonzaga University Weeds, Wheat, Reconciliation
1990 Building the Church: The Role of Tradition Fr. Peter Chirico, SS Seattle Archdiocese Theologian
1991 Building the Church: How God is Known in Jesus Christ Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, OSB Mount Angel Abbey Living water
1992 Building the Church: The Beatitudes of Matthew’s Jesus: Building Blocks for Disciples Fr. Michael Crosby, OFM, Cap Capuchin-Franciscan, Midwest Province, Author and Director Of Spiritual Center Light; The green bean story.
1993 Building the Church: Reading the Word of God in the Old Testament Fr. Konrad Schaefer, OSB Mount Angel Seminary, Oregon Pilgrim People; Journey; Hesed=The God of the OT is compassionate and merciful.
1994 Building the Church: Seeking God: Spirituality for the Everyday Abbot Aidan Shea, OSB+ St. Anselm Abbey, Washington D.C. Rule of Benedict-humility, obedience, conversion, balance, labor and prayer; vows=stability.
1995 Building the Church: Daily Christian Living in Ritual and Story Dr. Matthew Baasten University of Portland, Oregon Called to be faithful, not effective.
1996 Building the Church: The Cross of Christ –The Intersection of Time and Eternity Fr. Dominic Milroy, OSB+ Ampleforth Abbey, England Image of the Cross: horizontal=human creations; vertical=God’s creation; Jesus is in the heart of the joint.
1997 Building the Church: Toward a Civilization of Love Cardinal Basil Hume, OSB+ Archbishop of Westminster, England Basil in Blunderland; Hide and Seek; The best way to explain it -is to do it; Journey; Living the Christian life in the 3rd millennium.
1998 Building the Church: Searching For God Fr. Paul Murray, O.P. Belfast, Northern Ireland; Professor at St. Thomas Seminary, Rome Poetry and Christian faith.
1999 Building the Church: Entering Into Communion Dr. Owen Cummings Mount Angel Seminary, Oregon Take, Bless, Break, Share...
2000 Building the Church: Nourished at the Table of the Lord Dr. Elaine Park Academic Dean, Mount Angel Seminary We listen, respond, receive and share…
2001 Building the Church: Putting on Christ: The Moral Life as a Response to God’s Gracious Love Fr. Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R. Washington Theological Union, Washington D.C. Hearts transformed.
2002 Building the Church: Being the House of God Abbot Aidan Shea, OSB+ St. Anselm Abbey, Washington D.C. Rahner’s definition of a person: Indefinability coming to consciousness of self; "Make your home in me as I make mine in you."-John 15:4
2003 Building the Church: Living Within the Mystery of God Dr. Lawrence Hundersmarck A Plaque with an Irraneus quote.
2004 Building the Church: The Gospel of John: Jesus Calls Us to Life Fr. Konrad Schaefer, OSB The Beloved Disciple; I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly-John 10:10
2005 Building the Church: The Eucharist: Learning Who We Are and What We Believe Fr. Robert Barron Gift: Spiral with heart of Christ in center; Loop of Grace; What you have received as gift, give as gift. (Mt.10:8)
2006 Building the Church: Reverencing the Other Fr. John Haughey, S.J.+ Gift: Ceramic person; The universal activity of God is always going on in each being; The story of Jesus reverencing the Samaritan woman at the well.
2007 Celebrating the Gifts of the Conference: A one-day 25th Anniversary Celebration at Mount Angel Abbey Fr. Jeremy Driscoll O.S.B. Mt. Angel Abbey
Summer Conference @ the University of Portland: 2008 to present
2008 Building the Church: The Spirit Moves Still Dr. Elizabeth Dryer Fairfield University Is the Holy Spirit Cinderella?
2009 Building the Church: The Prophetic Call of Modern Christians Fr. Larry Boadt, CSP+ Mundelein Seminary, Chicago, Illinois
2010 Building the Church: Living the Just Word Fr. Ray Kemp Woodstock Theological Center, D.C. / Community Fellow - Center for Social Justice
2011 Building the Church: Receiving Grace - Sharing the Gift Fr. Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R. Washington Theological Union
2012 Building the Church: Christ is Risen! Alleliua! What Resurrection Means for Us Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B. Mount Angel Abbey, Oregon
2013 Building the Church: Reclaiming the Liturgy in the Year of Faith Dr. David Fagerberg University of Notre Dame
2014 Building the Church: The Joy of the Gospel: The Vision of Pope Francis for the World Fr. Stephen Rowan The Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington
2015 Building the Church: "And It Was Good": Creation and the Spirit of God Fr. John Haughey, S.J.+
2016 Building the Church: A Pilgrim's Way: Wisdom for the Journey Sr. Gertrude Feick, OSB Queen of Angels Monastery, Mt. Angel, Oregon
2017 Building the Church: Where There Is Darkness, Light: The Everyday Practice of Joy Deacon Chris Anderson OSU Professor, Corvallis, Oregon
2018 Building the Church: Whispering Voices Made Audible: The Major Importance of Minor Biblical Characters Dr. Gina Hens-Piazza Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University
2019 Called to Care: "Follow in the Footprints of Jesus" Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF, PhD Catholic Theological Union in Chicago
2020 Canceled Due to COVID
2021 Canceled Due to COVID
2022 Building the Church: The Very Style of Faith: How Reading the Bible As Literature Can Help Us Experience the Mystery of God Deacon Chris Anderson Retired OSU Professor, Corvallis, Oregon
2023 Building the Church: How to Engage with a World that Needs You Dr. Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu Loyola Marymount University
2024 Building the Church: Pacific Northwest Perspectives on Living Catholic Faith Toward the Future Dr. Patricia O'Connell Killen Pacific Lutheran University